Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Remember that first toy that Steve put together back in January? I think it's safe to say that Riley loves it!

Monday, July 23, 2012

4 months!

On Saturday our sweet babies turned 4 months old!

At one month, Riley was  7lbs 14 oz  according to our scale at home. At two months, he was 9 lbs 14 oz, at three months he was 11lbs 1 oz, and now at 4 months, he is 11 lbs 14 oz. The 0-3 Carters onesies still fit quite well, as do all our 0-3 outfits. The 3-6 month carters onesies go down almost to his knees! He did, however, just switch to 3-6 month sleep’n’plays, There are still some 0-3s that fit, but they have been mostly packed away. The funny part is, some of them don’t fit primarily because his feet are too big!
Logan also still fits in the carters 0-3 onesies. He fits in 0-3 outfits too, but is starting to grow out of a couple things. Like Riley, he is in 3-6 month sleep’n’plays, but he is a little bit longer, so he doesn’t still fit in the 0-3’s. According to our scale at home, he was 8lbs 8 oz at one month, 10 lbs 8 oz at 2 months, 12 lbs at 3 months, and is now 13lbs 0 oz.

Riley is still on the hypoallergenic formula and breast milk. He is now on two medicines – the Zantac and a version of Prilosec. He is not a fan of taking the medicine, but it does help a little. He does not like to eat, is rarely hungry, and when he is hungry doesn’t usually want to eat more than 3 oz. He arches his back and turns his head away from the bottle. If we continue to try to get him to eat, he cries. We feel really bad for him, but the doctor assured us that as long as he is gaining weight it is okay that he does not eat as much as Logan. We do have some good days where he eats like Logan (we had 3 this week!) but it’s inconsistent. Hopefully his tummy will heal soon and he’ll feel better!
Logan is still on the sensitive formula and breastmilk and continues to be a really good eater. He eats 4 1/2  to 5 oz pretty consistently. We laugh that he is always ready to eat – if you want to feed him, he’s happy to oblige. With Riley’s inconsistencies (which the doctor warned us about),  he continues to be a wild card, eating anywhere from 2-5 oz.
They eat every 3-4 hours during the day and only wake up once during the night. Their last feed is between 8 and 10, they usually wake up between 4 and 6am and go back to bed. Every once in a while they’ll wake up at 3 and Friday they woke up at 7:30. Typically they’ll go back to bed until we get up.

The boys still love laying in their activity gym and batting at the toys and kicking the chimes. Mema bought them a second one because pretty soon they’ll be too big to share. They also like just lying on a blanket and stretching out. Sometimes they whine because they want to lay on the blanket instead of being held. Their favorite toys are their security blankets, although they are beginning to enjoy rattles, and will hold anything we hand them. They have definitely begun to interact with each other and can often be seen holding onto each other, most commonly they are holding hands, but sometimes they hold onto each other’s clothing, arm, ear, etc. They look for each other, smile at each other and babble back and forth (no twin language yet though).

Logan is visited by a physical therapist Tuesday mornings. He’s only have an evaluation and 1 session so far, but the PT said that his range of motion is actually quite good for a baby with torticollis. We have been working with him and it has paid off. She said that he doesn’t have any of the issues/delays that commonly come along with it, and his flat spot should not be difficult to fix. Both the PT and the nurse who did the evaluation said that Logan was a pleasant, social baby, and they enjoyed working with him.

Both Riley and Logan are smiley, smiley kids. They smile and babble a LOT. We absolutely love that they are starting to laugh. Riley is much louder and often squeals but they are both “expanding their vocabulary”. Logan has always been more soft spoken in his babbles, but they have recently increased in volume. They are still very good babies who are not very fussy. They are definitely learning patterns, which is pretty cool, and also helps us. For example, if Logan is crying but stops when you hold him upright in the kitchen, then we know he’s hungry. 

Riley: His security blankets, his chair (sometimes he does not want to be held), his pacifier, hitting or kicking toys in the activity gym (especially the chimes), being swaddled while sleeping, the swing, Jacques the peacock, the dice, laying/rolling onto his side, having his diaper changed, being talked or sung to, “talking”, and his jumperoo.
Logan: Eating, his security blanket, his pacifier, laying on his side, being held on his side, his chair, being talked or sung to, Jacques the peacock, the dice, being carried around (he is curious and likes to look around), the swing, being naked, and “talking”.

Riley: Eating/getting reflux, having gas, tummy time (although he doesn’t mind as much on his boppy), being burped mid bottle (tends to lead to an acid attack), being propped up on his boppy (on his back) and not having his pacifier
Logan: Waiting for food, not having his pacifier, tummy time, pooping, being burped mid bottle, and having gas.

New this month:
Rolling over, drooling (a lot!), yelling (Riley makes his talking sounds, just really loud when he’s angry or excited), putting everything to their mouths, trying to escape their chairs (Riley scoots down, Logan pushes up), scooting around (Riley), and laughing more.


Wardrobe change!

These outfits are a bit big, but they are too cute not to get to wear this summer!

We had to put on our Yankee onesies for Mema!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Grandpa's birthday

On the weekend of 7/7 to 7/8, the boys had their first sleep over (with mommy and daddy of course). Grandpa Tony's birthday was Saturday and Sunday we celebrated cousin Sean's birthday. They did pretty well sleeping in a strange place, although we realized that with their current size, their pack'n'plays aren't nearly as big as we thought they were.

When we got to Mema and Grandpa's house the boys showed off their stylin' hats.

Mema bought the boys cute swimsuits (even though they look pretty darn cute in just diapers) and they went further into the pool than ever before and even got Mema part way in the pool!.

Mema got Riley a "Little Firecracker" swimsuit because she always says he's "electric" and going to be our firecracker.
Logan was a "Little Explorer"

Swimming with Mommy

Riley was very interested in looking at the water.

I like this picture because Riley looks pretty angry,  even though he was happy in the pool.

Swimming with Grandpa

Mema in the water! She will do anything for her grandchildren

 The boys decided that they like birthdays..... but they will like them a lot more when they are old enough to eat cake!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Our first trip to the zoo!

The Solomon family got us a membership to the Philadelphia Zoo, and we have been dying to go. We decided to wait until they were three months old, but ever since then there has been this ridiculous heat wave. We finally decided to brave the heat and make our first visit. As the temperature outside as measured by our car hit 90 degrees at 10am we were a little worried, but with all the shade it really was not that bad.

Having twins in infant car seats in a stroller is not very easy at the zoo. Unfortunately although his head control is there, Riley is not ready to be forward facing in daddy's carrier - he is too short and his face is covered by it (which was pretty funny). In case you're wondering, its folded down in the pic below.
 Fortunately, Logan was able to face forward (that is until it got too hot). After that, we managed to trade off taking the boys out of the stroller so they could see as much as possible.

We started off our visit with the otters, hippos, zebras, giraffes, rhinos, and polar bears.

We were excited to show the boys the penguins so that we could explain that Penguin is really a dog and that real penguins are birds. Riley was mostly just interested in the picture plaque about the penguins.
 Logan was actually watching the penguins and was following them with his eyes/head as they swam around. At the end of the day, he told us that the penguins were his favorite.

Both the boys wanted to go play with the tortoises in the mud, until they realized exactly how huge they were.
 While we ate lunch, there was a peacock and her little baby walking around. Riley said he plans on following his mommy around everywhere too.

By that time we were all feeling pretty hot, so we decided to visit some of the indoor exhibits - rare animals, reptiles, and primates.
 Riley had been talking about crocodiles and alligators from the moment we told him we were going to to zoo, so we HAD to go see them.

Riley said that the reptile house was definitely his favorite and that he still wants to pet an alligator.

 Mommy and daddy really liked this guy (above). He's so cute!

After the primate house, we swung by the children's zoo, but we were looking pretty exhausted, so we decided to head home.

Some fun shots.... hey, we tried!!!

When we got home, mommy and daddy were exhausted, but the boys were refreshed from their nap on the car ride home. In fact, Logan was so energetic that he decided to roll tummy to back for the first time!

We had been concerned that Logan was behind, as Riley rolled 3 weeks ago, but a nurse told us that Riley rolling at 3 months was really early and likely a result of his acid reflux. According to her, Logan's roll was not behind at all!

Friday, July 6, 2012

4th of July and our first baseball game

The 4th of July is a special day in the Sweeney house. It is the day that Steve proposed, after the fireworks on the New Street Bridge in Bethlehem.  While that location is ideal, we knew there was no way we could take the boys - its crowded, buggy, and so loud you can feel the vibrations. Steve did have the great idea, however, of going to the parking deck on the north side and watching from the roof. From our location (which I need to remember we parked at the 4th lamppost from the top) we saw about 85% of the fireworks with few bugs and very little noise. Riley watched for a while and fell asleep. Logan watched the entire time! If only we brought a camera....

We did, however, have our camera for our bbq lunch with Aunt Lynda, Cousin Alex, and the Spirkos!

Yesterday we took Logan and Riley to see their very first baseball game. We figured we'd start out with the Iron Pigs. We definitely learned a few things (we think the cheap lawn seats might actually be better than the more expensive ones we got!) and are eager to try it again. The best part was when Riley started heckling the players (he has started this yell-babble).