Elliott turned two months old yesterday. I can hardly believe it. He has got to be the most easy going baby ever.
We cant believe how big Elliott has gotten! At his 1 month appointment, he weighed 10 lbs even. At yesterday's 2 month, he weighed 12 lbs, 3 oz, and measured 22.5 inches long. He is at the 48th percentile for weight, 26th for height, and 19th for head. He seems so huge, since he's so much bigger than his brothers were at this age. He is so stinkin' cute though. Elliott fits well in 0-3 month clothing, but has started to grow out of some of the sleep and plays due to his length.
When he was a few weeks old, we had to start supplementing with some formula. After a growth spurt ended, things somehow managed to right itself, and now he gets little to no formula. I'm pretty excited about that. He typically only gets formula either when we are somewhere I can't feed him, or when he is extra hungry, about 0-4 oz per day.
Again, there is no fussiness. Elliott is awesome.
He still doesn't really cry, except when he is hungry or has a poopy diaper. He loves to cuddle, especially with mommy. He has a particular way he likes to be held (on his side, facing mommy and holding onto her shirt) and relaxes immediately when held that way. His sleeping had regressed for a while and he was waking up every 2-3 hours, which was pretty rough. In the last few days he's been sleeping 3-5 hours, which is awesome!
We call Elliott chubby wubby because he has chubby cheeks and chubby little limbs. His hair is coming in nicely and we still aren't sure what color his eyes are (a brown grey color) although I think eventually they will be brown. He has fantastic neck control and loves to look around. He has been cooing and had his first social smile yesterday. He has been laughing in his sleep a lot lately. It is so crazy cute. He really is the happiest little boy
Likes: Eating, cuddling with Mommy, the car, being in daddy's carrier, his pacifier, lights, and moving in general.
Dislikes: Being hungry, being cold.
Riley and Logan are still loving on their baby brother! They insisted in getting in his 2 month pictures!