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Friday, October 13, 2017

4 months already?

Elliott is already 4 months old, which is just ridiculous. Mommy's time home with him is going faster than summertime! In August! (Teachers, you know what I'm saying)

Yesterday was Elliott's 4 month appointment. He was 13 lbs 15 oz, 24 in long, and his head is 15.4 in. The doctor (our usual doctor is on maternity leave) is concerned, as he is not growing as she would expect. At his 2 month appointment he was close to the 50th percentile and now he's at the 18th. being that Elliott has chubby little cheeks and thunder thighs, I could not understand it as she was telling me he hadn't gained enough weight. At first I was upset about it, but then I looked at his brother's weight gain. From birth to 1 month, Riley gained about 3 lbs, Logan 2 lbs 5 oz, and Elliott 2 lbs 4 oz. From 1 mo to 2, Riley gained 2 lbs, Logan gained 2 lbs, and Elliott gained 2 lbs 3 oz. From 2 months to 3, according to our home scales, Riley gained 1 lb 3 oz, Logan 1 lb 11 oz, and Elliott 1 lb 3 oz. Then from 3-4 months, Riley gained 13 oz, Logan 13 oz, and Elliott 9 oz. At the time of weighing, Elliott was just about due for a feed. I'm thinking maybe its genetic and he's just falling into his growth pattern. I guess we shall see - he has a weight check in 3 weeks. As long as he stays on the current growth pattern and doesn't drop down we should be good. I am a little worried that his head is smaller than projected, but am hoping that number is off due to his flat spot. His is right in the back of his head, as he sleeps facing the ceiling with his hands up by his head.
In clothing he still fits in 0-3 onesies although the few we still have are getting snug. He wears 3-6 month everything, but has started growing out of the smaller sleep and plays. i think that's really just because sizing is so incredibly inconsistent, especially across brands. Koala baby stuff is cute but super tiny! 

Elliott continues to breastfeed every 2-3 hours during the day, and get a 4-5 oz bottle of breast milk around 8:15. He then falls asleep soon thereafter. He very much recognizes the pattern and starts crying for his bottle immediately after daddy dresses Elliott in his pjs. He then sleeps until 6am. Somedays he wakes up on his own (5:50 this am) but most days we wake him so that mommy can feed him and pump before getting his brothers ready for school. On the weekend, he typically wakes up between 6 and 7. He has had 3 days this month where he woke up in the middle of the night to eat, but he is generally a fantastic sleeper. We still don't have a nap schedule during the day. He typically takes a nap at 9, and I've recently started trying to put him in his bed for that nap. Its not going well. I know I shouldn't let him sleep in my arms so much, but I cant help but enjoy it while I can. Some days he barely naps, but they are always followed by a "sleepy day".

He loves his toy firefly the most these days, although he still likes the turtle and likes Rusty Robot. He's not as into the swing as he used to be and is hit or miss with the activity gym. He likes it, but only for short bursts of time, kind of like tummy time. What Elliott loves most is being held. By mommy. He is such a mommy's boy and already will go from full out hysterical crying to smiling just from being handed to mommy. He really loves watching his brothers and tends to nap more easily when they are around. He finally noticed Penguin, which is pretty cute. Elliott loves to play. Peek-a-boo, singing songs, being tickled, he loves the attention. He babbles way more than before and at times sounds like he's telling full stories. He has also reached new levels of grabby-ness. Mommy has given up on necklaces, as Elliott is constantly grabbing and pulling her hair, shirt, face, and skin in general (and he has razor sharp claws no matter how often we cut his fingernails!)

Elliott is the happiest baby ever. He is always smiling and laughing for his family and makes strangers so happy when he smiles for them. Mommy gets stopped every time she does out with him. He still rarely cries, and seems to like getting his picture taken. He is not fussy, but is happiest when held. He prefers his hand to his pacifier and drools like crazy!!! Like soaks his shirt! He also seems to get a bit bored if we stay home all day and seems to enjoy getting out of the house. He is a curious boy!

Mommy!!!! Sucking on his hand, eating, his pacifier, Freddie the Firefly, being held, laying on his side, having his diaper changed, being talked/sung to and played with, sleeping with his arms by his head, watching his brothers, and napping on mommy.

Waiting for food, his chair, being alone/no one paying attention to him, and the car. This is new, but he now cries a lot of the time he is in the car.

New this month:
Noticing Penguin, massive amounts of drooling, increased amount of babbling, making eye contact, and rolling from belly to back.

Other fun pics!