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Monday, January 30, 2012

30 Week appointment

Okay, so I had told myself that I was going to write about the shower before today's 30 week appointment, but I was really lazy yesterday and I want to really take the time to decide what I want to say and choose some good pictures to post. So for now, here's my 30 week appointment synopsis.

As with every appointment, today's started with a ultrasound. It was an appointment with my regular OBGYN so none of the fun measurements, BUT I did get to see that while Logan is still head up, Riley is well on his way to being head down. He isn't fully head down yet (still on a bit of a slant) but he will be soon. Just to recap, first they were in bunk bed position with Logan on the bottom. Then Logan was head down and Riley was head up. Then they were both head up,and now Logan is up and Riley is down. We talked about the possibilities for delivery in the future. Logan is "baby A" which means he's the lower one. If he doesn't turn around, its a c-section, no questions asked. If he does turn around, well then I will have to make a decision. My doctor let me know that even if they are both in prime position, while Logan is being delivered, Riley could move out of position and I could have to get a c-section anyway. I can't think of anything more painful than having to go through BOTH recovery processes! I guess we will have to wait and see if Logan even gives us the option, but I don't think anyone will blame me if I decide just to go with the c-section. I guess I will have to think about it more as I go to my twice weekly non-stress tests and biophysical exams and see their positions as we get closer.

I finally have answers to the questions everyone has been asking me!
1. Will they let the babies go all the way to their due date? Sorry grandma, Lisa, and all you other April birthdays, the babies are going to be born in March. Should they choose to continue "cooking" that long, they will pull the plug and deliver the babies between 37 and 38 weeks.   That means that March 25th or so would be the absolute latest they will make their appearance. That doesn't, however, rule out my St. Patty's day guess!

2. When will you stop working? The doctor told me that while they used to make all women pregnant with twins stop working at 28 weeks, now they let them go a lot longer. She is, however, pulling the plug at 34 weeks, so my last day will be Feb 27th. I know its weird to end on a Monday, but I have a dr. appointment Friday and I want to have the time to make sure everything is in order and not go running out on my last day if I can help it. In case you don't remember, yes, I am going back to work, on  May 16th. I'm not out of my mind - Steve will be done working by then and my mom is going to help him get acclimated if I end up going back a week sooner (I'll decide after they are born). That way we don't have to worry about daycare AND I don't have as many unpaid days. PA does not have those fantastic FMLA laws that NJ has. 

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you're crazy for going back after 8 or so weeks, though it's tough emotionally, trust me. We are in the same boat in FL with FMLA being unpaid, it pretty much sucks. If I'm lucky this time, I'll go into labor right around my due date (June 30) and not actually have to take any time off or do any sub plans.

    As for the recent FB message you sent - anytime you need to talk baby stuff, give me a shout! I know nothing about boy-specific stuff ( though ee'll ind out soon if I will this summer..) but there will often be those stories about pregnancy, birth, newborns and infants that only other moms really get!

    Love ya! Hang in there!
