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Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 32, Appointment 2

So Friday was my 32 week growth scan and another non-stress test and biophysical. My parents came along and I warned them that the first appointment was going to be way more exciting than the second one. The growth scan was at Maternal Fetal Medicine, and I had my favorite sonographer, Kristin.  She spent a lot of time with us showing us all sorts of cool things, like Logan’s hair! Not only does he have a lot of it, but it’s pretty long! Riley, on the other hand, only has a little hair and it is short. Hooray for a way to tell them apart right off the bat! I’ve heard that many kids lose that hair right away, but I hope Logan holds on to it –it will make life so much easier.  Kristin also showed me exactly where Logan is (they keep on moving!) – his head is up by my lowest rib sort of on my left side, but fairly close to the middle. His but is down by around the same level as my hip bone, and his legs are stretched out to the right side of my body, like he’s sitting on the floor. Riley, on the other hand, is curled up into a ball. Kristin showed us how his knees were by his head. He is in a more transverse position at this point. (The sonographer at the regular ob saw that and said “wow, they really don’t plan on leaving any time soon.”) Their heads are right next to each other. Kristin tried desperately to get a good 4d picture of them, but the babies would not cooperate. Logan was not facing the right way, so he was out of the question. Riley was striking the “no paparazzi” pose with his hand in front of his face. We did get to see half his face – an eye, his nose, and an ear, and Kristin was angry that she didn’t take the picture right then. She was convinced that she could get a better picture, but after 15 or 20 minutes of trying, she finally gave up. She tried from different angles, but it was limb city! Logan’s arms, Riley’s arms, Riley’s legs, and Riley’s umbilical cord were all in the same area blocking off the good shots. Oh well, we tried! She did take two profile pictures of Riley. Logan was just not in a position that his picture would look like anything.

Seeming as though it was a growth scan, we did get their new weights. Logan is now 4 lbs, and Riley is 4 lbs, 1 oz. I find this interesting, because before Logan was the bigger one. Not by much, but still. They are now only at the 30th percentile for singleton babies. That made me a little sad at first, since they were at the 50th only 4 weeks ago, but I know that twins drop off and just aren’t typically as big. I had the really rude doctor from last time, but he was very pleasant today (I wonder if that’s because I called and complained about him). I asked him if their weights were good for twins, and he said they were. If they keep cooking for 2-4 more weeks they should be 5 or 6lbs.

The biophysical and non-stress test were pretty boring, although my mom did tell their sonographer the story of how she found out she was going to have two grandchildren, since I pointed out that this sonographer was the one who told Steve and I it was twins. Riley definitely was moving around for the NST, but not quite as much as last time. I tried desperately to video him kicking the sensors, and he was definitely moving them, but the videos don’t look like much. I can always try again on Tuesday!

In the meantime, please enjoy this alien baby video.

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