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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

36 Week Growth Scan (with baby bump)

Yesterday was my final growth scan at Maternal Fetal Medicine as well as my routine appointments at my regular OBGYN. My mom came with me, and we headed off to Lehigh Valley Hospital. I did not have Kristin today as my sonographer because it was her day off, but the woman I did have was extremely nice and talked through exactly what she was measuring, just like Kristin does. They get an approximate weight for the boys by taking a series of measurements – their leg bones, their heads, their chests, etc.  Believe it or not, they told me that the weight measurements are actually less accurate closer to the due date than they were before. It’s because at this point, the positions the babies are in make their bones more difficult to measure, and being slightly off has a bigger impact on their weight. Anyways, this was their disclaimer before telling me their estimated weights, which were Logan – 5lbs 11oz, and Riley – 5 lbs 8 oz.  I can’t believe how big they got! When the doctor asked me if I had any questions, of course I had to ask – if they are born next Wednesday as scheduled,  in his opinion, what are their chances of needing to spend time in the NICU? The MFM doctor said that it was pretty low – he said that there was maybe a 20% chance that one of them would spend time in the NICU, meaning there was an 80% chance neither of them would.

Oh, the sonographer got us a halfway decent “4D” photo of Riley's face! Logan was in no way going to let us take his picture (as usual).

Carrie said there will be no pinching of cheeks.
But look at my son! What a cutie! - Steve
Next I went over to my other appointment and had my non stress test, which looked good. When I met with the doctor, I asked him the same question I asked the MFM doctor, and believe it or not, he gave the same answer – 80% chance that neither would visit the NICU. I realize there are many unforeseen reasons a baby – any baby – would have to go to the NICU, but it was reassuring that they both gave the same answer.  Knowing that was based off of next week, I asked what if they were born last night. The doctor still said he would not think the chance of either of them going to the NICU was above 30%. Both doctors agreed that it would be unlikely for me to have to go home without them.

In case you were wondering, I am huge. I have probably gained about 44 lbs. Here is me at 36 weeks, 2 days:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well, tomorrow is the big day (unless something exciting happened since this last post!) and I can't stop thinking about you! I am so excited for you to welcome these two bundles into your lives. I know you have a LOT of help but if you need ANYTHING, please let us know. Make sure you enjoy every single second because it really will fly by and you will both be wonderful parents! Best wishes for an easy and healthy delivery. Sleep as much as you can! :) YEAHHHHH!!!!! Melissa, Steve, Macy, and Brenton
