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Friday, June 22, 2012

3 months update!

Yesterday, 6/21, the boys turned 3 months old!

At one month, Riley was  7lbs 14 oz  according to our scale at home. At two months, he was 9 lbs 14 oz, and now at three months, he is 11lbs 1 oz. He has finally grown out of the newborn pants for the most part (some things run large) and has grown out of the 0-3 Gerber onesies. The 0-3 Carters onesies still fit quite well, and are even a little loose. 0-3 pants are still a little big but no longer go up to his nipples, and the only shorts that don’t look like pants are the above the knee type.
Logan fits the carters 0-3 onesies perfectly at this point, but has the same issue as Riley with pants and shorts. Some newborn shorts still look like pants on him. According to our scale at home, he was 8lbs 8 oz at one month, 10 lbs 8 oz at 2 months, and is currently 12 lbs.

Riley has switched formulas yet again. He is now on the hypoallergenic formula. The Zantac worked for a bit, but he started having trouble eating again last week. We stopped giving him breastmilk yesterday, as we are trying to determine exactly what the problem is. Logan is still on the sensitive formula and breastmilk. They eat every 3-4 hours during the day and typically only wake up once during the night. Their last feed is between 8 and 10, they typically wake up between 3 and 5am and go back to bed. Riley is usually wide awake by 7:30, but they have slept as late as 9 (these days Riley gets his Zantac at 8). Logan eats 4-4 1/2 oz pretty consistently and even eats 5 oz once in a while. Riley is a wild card – he will eat anywhere from 2-4 ½ oz. These new issues are a lot like his old ones, but typically he’ll drink 2 oz and then cry. He doesn’t screech like he used to or bat it out of the way, but it still takes an excessive amount of time and coaxing to feed him. His little belly is so much smaller than Logan’s (but he makes up for some of the weight with his giant head).

The boys love laying in their activity gym and batting at the toys and kicking the chimes. We added toys to their carriers this month since they finally began to interact. While they did not care for Mortimer the Moose or the duck, they both quite enjoy Jacques the Peacock. They love to crinkle his feathers and look at the black and white design on his back. Logan also likes the set of dice one of my coworkers gave him (Thanks Chris!). Both of them also like to hold a set of plastic keys. The ring is nice and skinny so they can get a good grip on them. They will hold anything we hand them at this point (well anything that fits in their tiny hands). This means they also like to grab hair, jewelry, shirts, and occasionally skin.

Both Riley and Logan are smiley, smiley kids. When they see mommy in the morning they get very excited and start smiling and talking (baby talk) a LOT. Riley makes a wider variety of noises, but Logan talks more often. Logan is a bit crankier than Riley in general, but they are both really good babies. They aren’t usually very fussy and when they are, there is almost always a good reason. Sometimes they are fussy because they just want to lie flat on their backs, and not sit in their chairs or be held. They are easy to put to bed (we put them in bed still awake) and happy to sit and play with us. When they are really fussy, the swing usually calms them down.

Riley: His chair, his pacifier, hitting or kicking toys in the activity gym (especially the chimes), being swaddled, the swing, Jacques the peacock, the plastic keys with the skinny ring, being held, laying on his side, having his diaper changed, being talked or sung to, and sleeping with his arms straight up, “talking”, and burping on his own while eating.
Logan: Eating, his pacifier, sleeping with his arms spread out, laying on his side, being held on his side, his chair, being talked or sung to, Jacques the peacock, the plastic keys with the skinny ring, being carried around (he is curious and likes to look around), the swing,  having his diaper changed, “talking”, and being swaddled.

Riley: Waiting for food, having gas, tummy time (although he’s coming around), being burped mid bottle (back at that waiting for food thing), and not having his pacifier
Logan: Waiting for food, not having his pacifier, tummy time, pooping, and having gas

New this month:
Cooing a lot (makes last month’s noises sound like nothing), smiling in response to things/people, laughing (an infrequent chuckle), rolling on their sides, holding toys, grabbing objects, Riley’s unassisted burping, Logan’s ability to scoot from the top of his crib to the bottom (how does he do it?), noticing each other (as more than something to suck on).

Note: At 3 months and 1 day, Riley rolled over from his belly to his back!

On the 3 month anniversary of their birth, they had a lot of firsts.... first trip to Mema's, first time leaving the state, and first time in the pool! Pictures and video to come!

Security blankets

Go Giants!

Daddy loves this picture of a sleepy Logan

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