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Thursday, February 15, 2018

8 months....

...and somehow Belly has become a little kid!

So I'm a few days late updating, but we didn't have a dr appointment this month, so I don't have a weight or height. On our home scale the other day he was just over 17 lbs. In clothing he is wearing 6-9 month stuff, although he has grown out of some of the smaller sleep and plays. 

I still nurses Elliott at 5:30am, 4:30 pm, and 7:30 or 8pm, and at school he gets a 2 oz bottle and 2-4 oz bottles (last one being formula) although he still doesn't always finish his bottle.  On the weekend,  he still wakes up for a feed around 5:30. We are mostly just breastfeeding on the weekend, as he prefers that over a bottle, but try to encourage a bottle when mom isn't home so we can be sure he eats enough. 

Elliott is not as into the solids lately with the exception of finger foods. We have started letting him try table foods like gnawing on a roll, noodles, pears, sweet potatoes, beans, and admittedly french fries. He still has no teeth, but he's pretty good at gumming things. As for the baby food, he usually eats it 3 times a day. He likes to eat yogurt in the am and prefers fruits to veggies. We just discovered that he really likes the mac n cheese baby food. He does not love any of the other dinner blends, although he is willing to eat apple chicken and even chicken noodle.  He still eats fewer solids than Logan and Riley did, as he often does not even finish 1 whole container. 

Elliott's sleep habits have been AWFUL this month.  Mommy and daddy are so tired, as they haven't slept in 2018. After getting over RSV and a cold, he started in with separation anxiety, waking up constantly wanting mommy. After two weeks of waking up every hour (or less), he slowed down to only a few times a night, and then got another cold, and isn't sleeping well from being congested. With the separation anxiety it was not uncommon for him to be up for 60-90 minutes in the middle of the night. So much fun. At school his teachers say he is easy to put down for a nap and he typically takes at least 1 hour long nap. Today it was two hours! We still struggle with weekend naps. 

Elliott loves his toys, but he loves his brothers toys even more. In fact, they were his motivation in learning to crawl across the room! His brothers are struggling to remember they can no longer leave anything on the floor that they don't want him to get. He has not been at all interested in the jumparoo lately. He'd much rather explore on the floor. He puts everything in his mouth. but actually listens a good 50% of the time when he is told no, it cant go in his mouth. I didn't know 8 month olds could understand no. Elliott doesn't use his pacifier that much during the day, but he does in the car and to go to sleep. In addition to crawling, Elliott waves, claps, and gives high fives.

Elliott is always smiling and laughing. He loves his family - the joy on his face when he sees us is so unbelievably cute! This month he struggled with being away from mommy, but his separation anxiety has already been improving. He loves his Mema and is always willing to go to her. His brothers make him laugh so hard. He definitely recognizes their names and is always looking for them (and his pup-pup who he also adores). He does this super cute thing where he smiles at people and then hides his face. He also babbles really loud and enthusiastically. Its kind of hilarious!
His teachers at daycare love him and say he is so laid back and independent.

Mommy. Always mommy. He loves toys, his brothers, his dog, daddy, his pacifier, nursing, his brother's toys, ripping things, and playing.

Dislikes: being alone/no one paying attention to him, his crib, and baths

New this month:

waving, clapping, high fives, going from belly to sitting, crawling, eating more table foods, saying mama.

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