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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

5 months!

The boys turned 5 months old yesterday! Its going by so quickly and they are getting so big. I'm going to be so sad to leave them and go back to work Monday.
Still in 0-3 clothes, but so stinkin' cute!

According to our baby scale, Riley is 12 lb 12.5 oz, which is up only a little from 12 lbs 10 oz  at 4 ½ months (maybe because they were due to eat when we weighed them) and a lot from 11 lbs 14 oz at 4 months. The 0-3 Carters onesies still fit well. We started dressing the boys in 3-6 clothes since we have a bunch of summer clothes in that size and summer is nearly over. Some are too big for Riley and some fit well. He still fits in most of the  0-3 outfits, but is too long for some of the shirts. Both boys are still in 3-6 month sleep’n’plays, Logan also still fits in the carters 0-3 onesies, but is ready to move up to 3-6. In fact, we just washed them today. He fits in some of the 0-3 outfits too, but we’ve graduated him on so we can use the 3-6 stuff. Most of it fits him well. According to our scale at home, he is now 13 lbs 12 oz up from 13lbs 0 oz at 4 months and 13 lbs 8 oz at 4 and a half months.

Riley is still on the hypoallergenic formula and breast milk, and will be until at least 6 months, He is still on two medicines – the Zantac and a version of Prilosec or Prevacid. He is not a fan of the Prevacid, but doesn’t really mind the Zantac. It has definitely helped – he eats more, but it still takes forever for the boys to eat at most feeds. Both he and Logan are “weird eaters” according to our doctor. They often want to eat 2 oz, then wait 10 min, then eat an oz, then wait 10-15, etc. It normally takes a full hour. Riley is now eating 3- 5 ½ oz, but is usually on the higher end. Logan will eat 4-6. It is super fun having two finicky eaters. Logan is still on the sensitive formula and breastmilk.
They eat every 3-4 hours during the day and are pretty much sleeping through the night (although Riley has had a few rough nights lately). Their last feed is between 8 and 10, they usually wake up between 6 and 7am and go back to bed.  They have been getting rice cereal once a day for almost 2 weeks. Riley was an instant pro eating off a spoon. He opens his mouth wide and hardly spits any out. He has had feeds with not one drip of cereal on his bib. Logan, on the other hand, demonstrated all the classic moves of a baby learning to eat – trying to lick the spoon instead of opening his mouth, pushing it out with his tongue, putting his fingers in his mouth, and not closing his mouth. Two of the first three times we fed him he cried. He seems to like it now and has gotten much better at eating, but is still pretty messy

The boys still whine because they want to lay on the blanket or sit in their chair instead of being held, especially if they’re tired. They take naps at the same time now! No more “clocking in and out”. We have not put them on a nap schedule yet, and their naps can be 20 min cat naps or 1 ½ hour long naps. They take a long nap nearly every morning. They have always been fairly easy to put to bed, but Riley still needs to be swaddled, or he wakes up every hour
The boys still love laying in their activity gym and batting and grabbing at the toys and kicking the chimes. They also like just lying on a blanket and stretching out if we give them other toys, like their keys or crinkle books. Their favorite toys are rattles, keys, security blankets, and anything that makes a crinkle sound. They continue to interact with each other and can often be seen holding onto each other. The other day while they were sitting next to each other (held up by an adult), Riley put his arm around Logan. They always look for each other, and often smile at each and babble back and forth. They get concerned when the other cries, instead of laughing like they used to do.
Logan’s physical therapy sessions on Tuesday mornings are going ok. He made a lot of progress in the beginning, but now he seems to be going backwards. Hopefully with the new tricks the PT taught us we will get his head rounded out.

Both Riley and Logan are smiley, smiley kids. They smile and babble a LOT. At first Logan had specific sounds and so did Riley. Now they’ve taught each other their sounds and discovered more (don’t worry - Mom and Dad can still tell their noises apart from the other room). They vary in volume and pitch and try to imitate us and each other. They squeal when they are happy and laugh a lot. They have the same exact laugh. They like being kissed – they laugh when mommy “smushes” them with kisses. They also laugh when they are wiggled (like they are dancing) and tossed in the air.

Riley: Toys, his jumparoo, his pacifier, hitting or kicking toys in the activity gym, being swaddled while sleeping, the swing, rolling onto his side or belly, having his diaper changed, being talked or sung to, “talking”, getting attention of any sort, eating off a spoon, escaping any sort of chair, and his feet.
Logan: Eating, toys, his pacifier, laying on his side, being held on his side, his bumbo chair, being talked or sung to, being carried around (he is curious and likes to look around), the swing, being naked, looking at pictures, looking at shiny things (like the fish at the aquarium), his feet,  and talking or singing along with mommy or daddy..

Riley: Getting reflux, having gas, being propped up on his boppy (on his back), not having his pacifier
Logan: Waiting for food, not having his pacifier, tummy time, pooping, and having gas.

New this month:
Riley rolling back to belly (8/19), Riley pivoting and scooting around (he’ll be crawling before we know it), sitting in the bumbo chairs, grabbing feet, eating rice cereal (we are trying fruits and veggies Friday!), and Logan getting his foot in his mouth. 

Riley Rolling from back to belly (I had to break it into 2 because this blog will only allow short video clips):

FYI, they tried oatmeal today, and Logan loved it! Riley, notsomuch.

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